
June 18, 2014 Millie Parmer


Language is a manifestation of each culture. It is the doorway to our society and to all we are as communicators. Language affects the way we interact with the world and in the way we relate to ourselves. It is one of the highest forms of expression in our lives, even more so when touch, smell, and affection are attached. People all over the world use language to communicate their culture while conveying their world views of that community. The cultural background of an individual determines how that person will view the world. Different people who share the same culture may view the world differently due to language difference. I understand this because of being bilingual. I am also witnessing the barriers of my language and how it comes across to others on a constant basis.

In the English language there are many clichés, and phrases that hold power and magic when used. They are the “abracadabra” magic words that allow the doorway of emotions and communication to open up widely. They hold our vulnerability in each syllable. And, because of this they bring us down to a state of comfort and humanness. Here are some of my favorites: I am sorry * I love you * I miss you * You’re welcome * Let me help you * Thank you * We can do this together * You are not alone in this * Believe me * You are beautiful * You are a blessing in my life * I want you * I need you * Please forgive me * Trust me * You make me happy * You are my life * Your smile lights up my world * Can I help you * Can you give me another chance * Together we can conquer the world * I will stick it out even in the worst of times * You make me a better person….

There are thousands of sayings. There are millions of words in hundreds of languages and cultures. It doesn’t matter what is said, but how it is said. You can open up the world to another by just the subtle and loving tone of a few words. Accents or misused of certain words don’t matter. At least they should not in the scope of a conversation. Sincerity, trust and love go a long way when conveying an emotion. Being present, or not, can also determine how the communication translates. Language gives an individual a sense of belonging during an interaction. Each word that we utter is a muse or genie that travels from a mouth to the ears. The energy transferred through sound is spiritualistic in nature. We could learn a way to choose our words wisely, but as life has it this is a difficult practice to put into use.

Lately communication with others has been tough. Somehow what I am trying to convey seems very different from what is coming out. I can’t blame it on Mercury Retrograde. I cannot blame it on language barriers. I can’t blame it on stress or strains in my life. I should not blame it on speaking two languages. English has dominated my tongue for most of my life. Whenever I was in the Hispanic culture my English was viewed as intelligent. Now in an all-English area I fail in my structure. Sometimes that alone does not allow me to finish what I am trying desperately to say. It is as if my spirit shuts down whenever there is judgment and it won’t convey what I need to divulge. Call it the b.s. meter if you must! My thoughts move faster than the words and the interpretation goes on some communication arena miles away from my mouth. The person on the other side of my words is lost. Judgment is made regardless. I am not alone through this exploration of words, moments and sharing. Communication seems to be a big issue with many lately. I feel silence at this time must be the best way to communicate until the Divine has something that needs to be said loud and clear. Witnessing the non verbal communication and manners in others doesn’t help process what I should be answering. Unfortunately life is about expression. We can’t all live on a mountain away from the world and others. Interaction, connection and words are all reasons for our existence. We learn from the things said and those never uttered.

Sometimes the most beautiful words are the ones that are whispered with rawness and heart. The abracadabra magically opens up forgiveness, anger, sadness, grace, joy, and allows you to travel to the unexpected world of granting another the access to truly hold you. It says, “You are not alone in this journey.” This is mystical. This is our way in joining Divinity for the ride. There are times that language is lost in translation, but when the right words are set in motion the mysterious happens. The world is understood in simpler ways and we relate to each other in a way that is genius. Each word is our muse, cheering us on to travel through this life together. And that is absolutely beautiful!


Photo via:  http://site.imatchu.com (No copyright Infringement Intended.)


About the Author:  Millie A. Mestril


After raising six children, working in the corporate world, and being part of a relationship for eighteen years, I found that happiness was not consistent in my world.  I left the business world, ended a relationship that was deteriorating and headed to the mountains.  My best friend and I bought a small motel in the middle of gorgeous country and began the greatest journey.  What started as a visit to Asheville in May of 2010 became a permanent home for us.  Now with only one teenager at home, I am able to be part of a wonderful world of meeting people from all walks of life.  We’ve transformed an old gem of a place into a sweet and quaint oasis for others to find peace.  To those looking into our lives it seems we saved Peaceful Quest Retreats, but the reality is that this place saved us.  Every day brings joy, inspiration and a zest for life I never knew existed.  The lessons have not always been easy but the ride has been scenic and delightful.  I can’t imagine ever returning to a life that was not authentic to my spirit. ~ Millie A. Mestril


Please feel free to visit our website at www.peacefulquestretreats.com .  I also have a personal blog at: www.momentswithmillie.wordpress.com


A Soul’s Peaceful Quest: Lessons from the Path



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